Source Materials
I'm happy to share where my materials come from and some favorite suppliers.
Local Shops -
The humble local yarn store (LYS) is a beautiful place to lose a few hours while searching for just the right color yarn and other bits and pieces.
The Legacy - This craft thrift shop in Sebastopol, California, is a tremendous resource and asset to the community. All proceeds go to support the Sebastopol Senior Center and nearly everyone in the shop is a volunteer (and a senior citizen). And they've been doing this much longer than I have! They take all sorts of crafting related donations - fabric, yarn, sewing notions, art supplies - and sell them at very reasonable prices. The inventory is constantly changing, so you may find exactly what you're looking for or nothing. It's recycling for the crafty. I'm proud to support The Legacy with purchases and donations.
Artisan's Co-op - In the tiny town of Bodega (where Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds was filmed) is one of the most incredible artist co-op galleries I've experienced. They've moved to a larger location and the yarn and fiber section has more than doubled! Everything here is raised, sheered, dyed or spun in Sonoma County. And you can't go wrong with that.
Yarnitudes - Another Sebastopol favorite, this shop has a fantastic selection of yarns and the loveliest staff. It's one of those welcoming, cozy places, so I'm especially fond of shopping here when the weather is less than stellar outside and I want to feel warm and touch soft things.
Cast Away Yarn Shop - Well, let's get this out of the way first - they have an awesome shop dog. And an incredible collection of indie yarns (that's independent yarn makers). Located in the Railroad Square neighborhood of Santa Rosa.
Everywhere I Go - It's local when I'm there... No matter the vacation, I find yarn shops and crafters everywhere I visit. As a result I can use a yarn dyed in Hawaii with a yarn made in the Andes and be proud of the craftsmanship that went into the making of the yarn I use to make something for you.
Online -
The internet really did bring people together from all over the world - at least, it brings me yarn and wool from the far reaches of the globe when I use a credit card... And it's marvelous to find dyers, spinners and like-minded fiber lovers around the world! Of course, many use Etsy to reach buyers. We've all seen "regretsy" crafts, but the folks I buy from are nothing short of extraordinary artists.
Nicole Frost - She dyes yarn, blends fibers and spins yarn. And her exploration of colors inspires me daily.
Girl with a Sword (Maggie Howe) - This gal's doing some fun stuff with dying and spinning too!
Fabric -
Unless otherwise noted, fabrics are 100% cotton. My rice pillow are always made with 100% cotton fabric and thread to be safe in the microwave. Wine bottle bags are a different story and I buy fabric from estate sales, vintage shops and even use fabric left from my mother-in-law and her mother-in-law. Many of these reused, upcycled and older fabrics don't have the materials listed, so I'm guessing.
Every fabric I use is laundered using eco-friendly, dye- and perfume-free mild detergent before sewing. This is for your protection and mine! I am one of those sensitive people that will get a migraine from perfumes and dryer sheets. As a rule of thumb, if it's okay for me, it's probably okay for everyone else too.
Soap -
Again, I'm very particular about what I use on my skin, fragrances and ingredients. And I know some folks that make a completely natural glycerin-based soap. The scents are from essential oils and there are no dyes or perfumes used. I test the scents first and love them! If you're seriously interested in contacting them to buy soap, let me know.
Lavender -
My rice pillows contain culinary lavender. Nearly always organic - I prefer to use this higher grade of material because I'm basically breathing it when using it and when it's heated and right next to my face. If you have an issue with the lavender and want a pillow made without, please contact me. I'm happy to oblige. I use the same product in my Earl Grey tea most mornings.
USA-Grown Rice -
I only use USA-grown rice because I can read the label and know exactly where it was grown. There are concerns about trace-metals in rice grown in other countries, and I am also basically breathing the residue while filling the bags and heating them, I'm particular.
Notes About Allergies -
First up, I have a dog. She hangs out with me while I craft unless the music is too loud or I'm using noisy tools. A stray dog fur may make it into your crocheted item. I remove any I see and everything is washed with Dr. Bronner's soap - usually lavender because moths and critters don't like much - before it leaves the house.
Second, and this is important, if you are truly allergic to wool - I am so sorry! Most of my crocheted items won't be for you. There are some without wool, so take a look at the tags - I list every fiber on the tag. For everyone else that thinks they are allergic to wool - trust me in this - you are sensitive to CHEAP wool. So am I! And I won't use it because it bothers my hands and makes me itchy all over. High quality wool has longer fibers with softer ends that don't scratch you on the seemingly microscopic level. Cheap wool products have lots and lots of prickly ends sticking out and poking you. The difference is worth the price and comfort.